Detecting Channel Qi Aberrations - Course 1

Level 1

Janice Walton-Hadlock teaches you how to detect with your hands the exact location of Channel Qi abberations.

Janice Walton-Hadlock
Janice Walton-Hadlock

Course Overview

You can know exactly where to place acupuncture needles, and why.


Learn to detect, with your hands, the exact location of Channel Qi aberrations - the root of all mental and physical illness. Then discover specific styles of needle insertion that directly restore correct Channel flow at the point of the aberration – as opposed to hit-or-miss, hope-for-the-best treatments. Channel Qi aberrations, classically referred to as “Channel Qi Doesn’t Go Through,” are the energetic drivers behind all health problems.


Channel Qi blockages occur in highly specific, individualized locations – and you can detect these with your hands. These blockages force the Channel Qi into aberrant patterns, which then lead to compromised health. Stubborn physical or emotional blockages are only rarely diminished by distal-point or “indicated point” treatments. But when you breach these Channel Qi obstructions by strategic needling in the exact vicinity of the blockage, instantaneous healing often ensues.


You already have an innate ability to detect Channel Qi. Develop it.


Please note: It is highly recommended you complete at least one of these prerequisite items prior to completing this course: Watch a 1-hour recording of Janice's Advanced Channel Theory presentation and/or read the first 4 chapters of Tracking the Dragon, by Janice Walton-Hadlock. Registrants of this course should also try feeling Channel Qi prior to the course so that they have a sense of their ability.


  • Learn to differentiate, using hand-detection, when Channel Qi is running correctly, backwards, or stopping.

  • Learn needle insertion techniques that directly rectify Channel Qi aberrations.

  • Learn to differentiate between the normal and healthy patterns of Channel Qi flow when a person is in parasympathetic, sympathetic, sleep, or dissociated (shock) mode.

  • Anyone can learn to detect channel Qi, but it requires practice to understand what one is feeling. The demonstrations in this class will be directed at increasing confidence in recognizing the Channel Qi sensations experienced by the hands, and learning what the different sensations signify.

  • To come away with a clear sense of how to feel Channel Qi and how to develop and test a treatment plan based on the aberrations in Channel Qi; learning confidence in one's ability to assess is also a key goal in this course, and this is best achieved through practicing.


  • 0 hrs - 1 hrs

    The physics of Channel Qi: jing-luo, bosuns, and waves.

  • 1 hrs - 3 hrs

    Discussion of the mechanics of feeling Channel Qi as pertains to Stomach and Ren channels and recorded demo of moving the palm of the hand back and forth along the traditionally described path of the Stomach channel; recorded Q&A with instructor, and observe recordings of students practicing on other students in relation to detecting Qi or what was experienced.

  • 3 hrs - 5 hrs

    Common diversions of the Stomach channel and Sympathetic mode divergences at ST-13 and Ren-12; discussion of sympathetic mode changes and how they are detected with recorded demo of how to feel Channel Qi by moving hand back and forth and noticing differences; Discussion of how to NOT influence the patient’s Channel Qi while working at detection.

  • 5 hrs - 6 hrs

    Observe recordings of student volunteers and a discussion of case studies involving Stomach Channel aberrations.

  • 6 hrs - 7 hrs

    Review of main concepts covered in recording so far and recorded demo/review on feeling channel Qi in the Stomach channel, with renewed emphasis on not influencing the patient’s Channel Qi.

  • 7 hrs - 8 hrs

    Sleep-and Dissociation-mode divergences of the Stomach channel; Discussion and demo on inducing dissociation mode changes in each other and detecting the Channel Qi changes and recognizing sympathetic- and dissociation- mode patterns in patients — case studies.

  • 8 hrs - 9 hrs

    Treatment considerations: Needling blocked channels, energetic work on the patient’s part for unblocking channels, and herbs for blocked channels.

  • 9 hrs - 10 hrs

    Channel blockages formed by scar tissue and unresolved injuries: Channel Qi following the path of least resistance; Directional assessment of Channel Qi; Needle-direction theory for redirecting Channel Qi.

  • 10 hrs - 11 hrs

    Observe recorded students feeling Channel Qi, with instructor pointing out points/concepts, etc. to take note of: Aberrations in students with scar tissue or unresolved injury; Feeling Channel Qi on healthy students.

  • 11 hrs - 12 hrs

    Case studies and observe recorded students practicing, with instructor's commentary on points to consider: Needling on students with scar tissue — feeling the students’ aberrant Channel Qi prior to needling; practice feeling the changes that occur in the Channel Qi after needling; Patients’ assessment of changes that occurred in response to the needling. Recorded Q&A.


  • Bonnie D. (Canada)

    Janice Walton-Hadlock is an exceptional and gifted teacher making the use of this wonderful healing tool come to life and allowing one to want to embrace the whole Qi channel knowledge in one's everyday practice to enhance our patients' overall wellness. Thank you.

  • Michel D. (Canada)

    Very inspiring, and most useful. I wish this was shared or taught at TCM schools. This course demystifies the concept of one organ's Qi invading another.

  • Jenna D. (Canada)

    Wow! What a lovely course. Janice is a natural teacher who is fun to listen to and is so passionate about what she is teaching. It's such a treat to watch teachers who are so inspired and has such great energy. I've always been curious about the divergent channels and never had a satisfactory explanation or teaching of them. I feel like I not only know what they are but when they happen and how to find them. Thank you!

See All Reviews


Janice Walton-Hadlock is an exceptional and gifted teacher making the use of this wonderful healing tool come to life and allowing one to want to embrace the whole Qi channel knowledge in one's everyday practice to enhance our patients' overall wellness. Thank you.

Bonnie D. (Canada)

Very inspiring, and most useful. I wish this was shared or taught at TCM schools. This course demystifies the concept of one organ's Qi invading another.

Michel D. (Canada)

Wow! What a lovely course. Janice is a natural teacher who is fun to listen to and is so passionate about what she is teaching. It's such a treat to watch teachers who are so inspired and has such great energy. I've always been curious about the divergent channels and never had a satisfactory explanation or teaching of them. I feel like I not only know what they are but when they happen and how to find them. Thank you!

Jenna D. (Canada)

This course has increased the efficacy of my clinical practice virtually overnight.

Beth M. (United States of America)

I loved this course. I was skeptical at first as to how we can learn to feel channel qi through an online course. The instructor explained it in a very accessible way that could be easily applied even though we weren't physically in the class. She also inspired a lot of confidence by continuously stating that we all had the ability to do it, and we just needed to develop it.

Salma A. (Canada)

Yes, this is a must for any student or seasoned practitioner

Don W. (United States of America)

A missing link in my acupuncture training. How to actually tangibly feel what it is that we are treating, and by doing so getting closer to the root of the problem.

JOHN E. (United States of America)

The information and skills promoted in this course are really revolutionary in regards to diagnosis and treatment. This should be a required course in all TCM colleges.

Brian K. (Canada)

Dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock is a passionate teacher and a pleasure to learn from. Her teaching opens us to another level of knowledge in oriental medicine that brings a new potential to one's practice.

Christine O. (Canada)

This is a must do course for ALL practitioners of acupuncture! Highly recommend the course, and all of the accompanying textbooks.

Trudi C. (New Zealand)

Janice, have a way presenting the information, that makes a lot of sense, and its within the Chinese medicine theory.

Khalil B. (Australia)

Yes! Helps the practitioner slow down, and connect with the client, using their senses for treatment rather than the brain.

Teresa S. (United States of America)

This was by far the most fantastic course I have ever taken. This course clarified so much and explained things I struggled with. I wish I had recieved this type of knowledge in school! I look forward to taking more courses with Janice.

Kirsten T. (Canada)

This course and information is invaluable and inspirational. Wonderful instructor, amazing material...cant wait for Level 2!

Tracie B. (Canada)

I thoroughly enjoyed this course!! Janice is amazing and has incredible experience with channel qi, pathways and pathologies. She is a highly skilled practitioner and presenter. I love her integrity and patience. This course is so different from anything I have experienced before. Thank you!

Wendy C. (Canada)


Janice Walton-Hadlock

Janice Walton-Hadlock, DAOM, L.Ac., is a professor at Five Branches University, and specializes in Channel Theory, Yin Tui Na, Psychology and Counseling; she is the founder of the Parkinson's Recovery Project, and is an author on topics relating to Channel Theory and Parkinson's.


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    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years.

    CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.

  • Note

    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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More Details
  • CPDs:

    Approved By: AACMA (12), ANTA (12), ATMS (12), Acupuncture NZ (12), IVAS (12), NCCAOM (12), Standard Certificate (12)

  • Language: English

  • Course Type: Recorded Seminar

  • Course Length: 12 h

  • Course Notes: Notes are provided with this course.

  • Access Period: Lifetime
