Mastering the Treatment of Injury and Pain Series - Course 2

Treating the Shoulder & Upper Extremity, Part 1

This course introduces the shoulder and complex assessment due to numerous pain referral patterns. The Supraspinatous and Infraspinatous muscles are the main culprits, and are covered in detail, along with unique needling techniques for the AC joint.

Whitfield Reaves
Whitfield Reaves

Course Overview

Mastering the Treatment of Injury and Pain is a webinar series for the serious practitioner of orthopedic and sports acupuncture. In these courses, Whitfield Reaves describes specific treatment protocols for common injury and pain syndromes. Emphasis is on diagnosis and assessment, including anatomical understanding the numerous types of tissues involved, such as trigger points, motor points, tendons, and ligaments.


Course 2 begins with “Teaching Points”, where both trigger points and motor points are described, and how they are related to acupuncture treatment. Then, three important structures often involved in shoulder pain are presented:


(1) The Supraspinatous. This includes the treatment of the muscle belly (SI 12), the tendon and tendon sheath, and the osseous junction at the rotator cuff attachment on the humerus. This includes tendonitis and tendonosis, shoulder impingement syndrome, and bursitis.

(2) The Infraspinatous. This includes the treatment of the muscle belly (SI 11) and the muscle-tendon junction, as seen in tendonitis and muscle strain.

(3) The Acromial-clavicular joint. Included is the unique treatment called “threading the joint space”, as well as useful adjacent points.


The material of this webinar series is the integration of traditional Chinese acupuncture with western orthopedic and sports medicine. We structure these courses in order to increase practitioner confidence in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of the shoulder.


This webinar series is designed to be viewed in sequential order. We strongly recommend that the practitioner complete the courses of this series from beginning to end.


This series was introduced in 2021 and represents Whitfield’s most current material on sports acupuncture. The demonstration video is filmed in high definition HD. The nine courses include additional injuries not covered in the 2011 series, the Acupuncture Sports Medicine Webinar Series. Each course in this new series features more in-depth instruction on diagnosis, assessment, and treatment techniques. Whether or not you have already taken the older series, this new educational video is a must-have for deepening your clinical mastery in sports medicine.


  • To be able describe how to treat the local point SI 12.

  • To be able to describe how to treat the sub-acromial zone using LI 16 and LI 15.

  • To be able to describe how to treat the local zone of the muscle belly, in the region of SI 11.

  • To learn how to locate the AC joint line.

  • To list the signs and symptoms reported by the patient suffering from shoulder impingement syndrome.


  • 0 hrs - 30 min

    Introduction to the shoulder, trigger points, and motor points.

  • 30 min - 1.5 hrs

    The supraspinatous muscle.

  • 1.5 hrs - 2.5 hrs

    The infraspinatous muscle.

  • 2.5 hrs - 3.25 hrs

    The acromial-clavicular joint.

  • 3.25 hrs - 3.5 hrs

    Theoretical Summary and Review.

  • 3.5 hrs - 4 hrs

    Protocols for Supraspinatous, Infraspinatous, AC Joint.


  • Stephen W. (Australia)

    These courses are must for any practitioner in the field of Muscle-skeletal body work and TCM.

  • Sandy R. (Canada)

    I've already learned more than expected! I'm so happy I bought this course

  • Himeno V. (United States of America)

    This course is great for people who want to further understand the western medical interpretation of chinese medicine. I felt I understand the anatomy and how acupuncture points are related and probably came up with for injuries. This is great for people treating athletes or work in an environment with other professionals like physical therapists or doctors. I really like the treatments and have already used it in clinic for the shoulder and had a better outcome for someone I had already been seeing with little result.

See All Reviews


These courses are must for any practitioner in the field of Muscle-skeletal body work and TCM.

Stephen W. (Australia)

I've already learned more than expected! I'm so happy I bought this course

Sandy R. (Canada)

This course is great for people who want to further understand the western medical interpretation of chinese medicine. I felt I understand the anatomy and how acupuncture points are related and probably came up with for injuries. This is great for people treating athletes or work in an environment with other professionals like physical therapists or doctors. I really like the treatments and have already used it in clinic for the shoulder and had a better outcome for someone I had already been seeing with little result.

Himeno V. (United States of America)

If you like the musculo-squellettique approach, I strongly advise you this training.

Agathe Cyr D. (Canada)

An excellent course to improve your knowledge and understanding of common shoulder pathology and effective treatment protocols.

Desire J. (Canada)

Extremely informative course and series!

Teresa G. (United States of America)

good content eastern and western medicine aspects

Michael M. (United States of America)

Highly recommended.

DIDA Y. (Canada)

Whitfield Reaves has developed a clear, understandable and practical approach to orthopedic acupuncture. I have taken several courses, both in person and online that continue to help me develop both my understanding and technical proficiency of treating injury and pain. I highly recommend his courses.

Wendy B. (United States of America)

The lectures are detailed and informative, repetitious which is nice for absorbing the information but not to the extent that it was boring or overly time consuming. Demo's were great in a time when most practitioners want to limit exposure to COVID. Overall, I would highly recommend!

Tiffany H. (United States of America)


Whitfield Reaves

In practice for over 40 years, Whitfield Reaves, OMD, L.Ac., specializes in the field of sports medicine. Being in the forefront of the acupuncture sports medicine field, Whitfield's experience includes working with athletes at the 1984 LA Olympic Games at the 1984 LA Olympic Games and countless other sport competitions since. He is an author, he teaches internationally as well.


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  • Unlimited Access & CEUS

    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years.

    CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

  • Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.

  • Note

    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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More Details
  • CPDs:

    Approved By: AACMA (4), ANTA (4), ATMS (4), Acupuncture NZ (4), NCCAOM (4), IVAS (4), Standard Certificate (4)

  • Language: English

  • Course Type: Recorded Webinar

  • Course Length: 4 h

  • Course Notes: Notes are provided with this course.

  • Access Period: Lifetime
